MCSO Press Release – Weekly Blotter 4-20-10

District 1 – Lt. Jim Fleming (North County)
On April 13, Deputy S. Degner was sent to the 12000 block of Old County Road in reference to a family violence assault. The Deputy made contact with a male and his wife who were still fighting with each other on the Deputy’s arrival. The 50 year old male and 49 year old female, both from Willis, were arrested at 1:35am, charged with assault by contact and taken to jail.
On April 13, Deputy R. Salazar was dispatched to the 9400 block of FM 1484 for a burglary of a habitation call. The Deputy met with a male complainant who advised he was using his travel camper for his home at the fairgrounds. He reported three males broke open his door and assaulted him. The male received a bloody nose, a black eye and swelling to the head. All three of the males had fled the scene. A short time later, one of the males returned and was detained. The 45 year old male from Escondido, CA, was arrested at 5:20am and taken to jail.
On April 13, Deputy J. Kader was notified of a theft of property call in the 14100 block of McComb Road. The Deputy met with a male complainant who showed the Deputy drag marks leading to the property separating two residences. The fence had been cut. The Deputy noticed two males walking around the property. As the Deputy approached, one of the males headed toward the woods and then took off running. The Deputy apprehended the male a short time later. The male said he thought he had warrants. The 43 year old male from Conroe was arrested at 11:51am, charged with evading arrest and transported to jail.
On April 13, Deputy S. Degner responded to the 14500 block of Hill Road on a family violence assault call. The Deputy met with a male complainant who advised he and his father got into an argument and the father choked him. He got away and went outside where the fight continued. The 51 year old male from Conroe was arrested at 7:35pm, charged with assault and also a misdemeanor warrant out of Montgomery County. The male was taken to jail.
A 29 year old male from Conroe was arrested at 4:30pm, April 14, in the area of Magnolia Bend and Bimbo Lane by Deputy J. Kader for a criminal non-support warrant out of Matagorda County. The male was stopped on a traffic violation. The male was taken to jail.
On April 15, Deputy C. Robertson was sent to the 18300 block of Hwy 105 for a shop lifter in custody call. The Deputy met with the manager of the store who had detained a female that had been observed taking items from shelves and putting them into her purse. When she attempted to leave without paying, the manager stopped her. The 24 year old female from Cleveland was arrested at 4:56pm. A second female, 30 years of age, also from Cleveland, was also arrested as an accomplice to the first female. Both females were transported to jail.
On April 15, Deputy K. Berger and Deputy K. Underwood were in the 12100 block of Hwy 105 when they observed a vehicle traveling very slowly with one wheel on its rim. The female driver was stopped and observed to be intoxicated. The 37 year old female from Conroe was arrested at 3:00am, charged with DWI, two charges of possession of a dangerous drug and two charges of possession of a controlled substance. She was taken to jail.
On April 15, Deputy K. Berger was notified of a disturbance in the 16300 block of Crockett Crossing. The Deputy met with all parties involved and issued citations for mutual combat. A male who was not involved decided to get involved and several minutes later was detained for public intoxication. Another male also not involved in the previous disturbance was detained for disorderly conduct. Both males, 30 and 23 years of age, from Conroe, were arrested at 3:13am and 3:20am, respectively, and transported to jail.
A 28 year old male from Caldwell was arrested at 12:37am, April 17, in the 10500 block of West FM 1097 by Deputy K. Underwood for a robbery warrant and a burglary of a habitation warrant, both out of Brazos County. The Deputy was investigating a civil issue. The male was transported to jail.
A 41 year old female from Conroe was arrested at 1:34pm, April 17, in the 13900 block of FM 2432 by Deputy C. Robertson for a providing alcohol to minors warrant out of Montgomery County. The Deputy had received prior notice on the female’s location. The female was transported to jail.
On April 17, Deputy D. Pena observed a male staggering in the roadway in the area of FM 3083 and Airport Pkwy. As the Deputy approached, the male staggered backwards landing on the ground. The Deputy observed the male to be intoxicated. The 48 year old male from Conroe was arrested at 10:23pm and transported to jail.
On April 18, Deputy K. Albritton was traveling on N. Frazier when a vehicle was observed passing four vehicles in a no passing zone. The Deputy stopped the vehicle in the 1200 block of FM 830. The male driver was found to be intoxicated. The 33 year old male from Conroe was arrested at 7:52pm, charged with DWI and also a motion to revoke (DWI) warrant out of Montgomery County. The male passenger was also observed to be intoxicated. The 32 year old male from Conroe was arrested and charged with public intoxication. Both males were transported to jail.
On April 18, Deputy K. Berger was sent to the 18800 block of FM 1484 for a family violence assault call. The Deputy met with a female complainant who advised she and her common law husband had been arguing. During the argument the male grabbed the complainant around the neck and choked her. A male witness on location pulled the male away from the complainant. The suspect male grabbed a knife and threatened to cut the female’s head off. The witness once again stepped in between until the complainant could escape. The 45 year old male from Conroe was arrested at 11:25pm, charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon and family violence assault (choking). The male was transported to jail.
District 2 – Lt. Brady Fitzgerald (South County)
4/14 – White Female 31 yrs old from Spring – was arrested after Dep. Sibille responded to a Theft call at 440 Rayford Road. Dep. Sibille met with the complainant, who stated that after picking up her prescription for Vicodin, she was “robbed” in the parking lot. Dep. Sibille met with the on-site security who stated that they had video surveillance of the parking lot. The video showed the complainant exiting the store and placing her purse in the rear trunk area of her vehicle and then going back into the store. Dep. Sibille found the purse. The complainant was arrested for Resisting Arrest and False Report to a Peace Officer.
District 3 – Lt. Darrel Conn (East County)
On 4/15/10 Deputy Rippley was dispatched to the Medicine Shoppe Pharmacy at 20851 FM 1485 in reference to a fraud call. The Deputy learned that a prescription had been called in fraudulently and the suspect had come to the store to pick it up. Upon arrival to the store the Deputy placed the suspect into custody. The suspect was also found to be in possession of several pills in his pocket for which he did not have a prescription. The suspect, a 24 year old male was arrested and charged with Fraud and Possession of a Controlled Substance.
On 4/16/10 Deputy Rippley was dispatched to the Porter – Wal-Mart in reference to a Theft call. Upon the Deputies arrival he learned that the suspect had concealed numerous articles in her purse and then passed all points of sale and made no attempt to purchase the items. The merchandise totaled $52.00. The suspect, a 27 year old female was arrested for Theft.
On 4/16/10 Deputy Layman was dispatched to a residence on FM 1314 in reference to a Family Violence Call. Upon his arrival he met with the victim and learned that her live in boyfriend had become enraged and assaulted her by placing his hands around her neck and attempting to strangle her. The suspect, a 33 year old male was arrested and charged with Assault Family Violence (Strangulation), a Third Degree Felony.
On 4/17/10 Deputy White was dispatched to the 20000 block of Gene Campbell Blvd. in reference to an assault call. Upon the Deputies arrival he met with the victim and learned that the victim and suspect had been in the back of an 18 wheeler. The suspect assaulted the victim and the Deputy observed the victim to have injuries consistent with the assault. The suspect, a 30 year old male was arrested and charged with Assault (Family Violence).
On 4/17/10 Deputy Layman was dispatched to the 24000 block of F.M. 1485 in reference to a civil disturbance. Upon his arrival he met with the parties involved in the disturbance. One of the parties was found to have an active warrant. The suspect, a 60 year old male was arrested for the warrant which was for Assault (Family Violence).
District 4 – Lt. David Park (West County)
On April 16th at approximately 2:00 am MCSO Deputies Hahs and Zavorski met with Corporal Wienke. Upon arrival Corporal Wienke viewed a vehicle parked with the front end obstructing the north bound lane of traffic. A female was walking on the dark road. The Deputies observed the female to have red blood shot eyes, slurred speech and an odor of alcohol. The female subject was taken into custody and charge with Public Intoxication. She was transported to the Montgomery County Jail.
On April 15th at approximately 9:00 pm MCSO Deputies Hahs and Zavorski were dispatched to a disturbance involving two males impersonating Police Officers. Upon arrival MCSO Corporal Sumrall had the males detained. The Complainants on scene advised that the two males came to their house and identified themselves as investigators from Harris County. The Complainants felt since the subjects did not have uniforms on that it appeared they were impersonating police officials so they went back into the house and called 911. The two male subjects had C02 pellet guns in their holsters, handcuffs on their belts and shield type badges that had private investigator on them. Both males were arrested for Impersonating a Public Servant a Felony 3 charge and transported to the Montgomery County Jail.
On April 15th at approximately 2:30 am MCSO Deputy Hollan and Corporal Wienke responded to the 11500 block of FM 1488 in regards to a Theft in Progress. Upon arrival it was found that three male subjects had been involved in an attempted theft of beer. Further investigation showed that all were intoxicated. All three male subjects were transported to the Montgomery County Jail by Deputy Holland and charged with Public Intoxication.
On April 14th at approximately 4:00 pm MCSO Corporal Sumrall was dispatched to the Indigo Lakes Subdivision in reference to a Criminal Mischief. MCSO Dispatch advised units that a witness was watching three young male subjects causing damage to the concession stand at the basketball court. MCSO Units arrived on scene and detained all three male subjects. A HOA Board Member arrived on scene and advised there was approximately $700 of damage to the concession stand. None of the three male subjects lived in Indigo Lakes and the park is private, used only by home owners of the neighborhood. The three male subjects all over the age of 17 were arrested for Criminal Mischief and Criminal Trespass.
On April 13th at approximately 5:30 pm MCSO Deputy Williams was dispatched to Davis Street in reference to a Disturbance in Progress. Upon arrival Deputy Williams met with the Complainant who advised that she and a male subject had gotten into a verbal altercation and the subject then pushed her out of the vehicle. The subject backed up the vehicle running over her leg causing her to fall and had hit her head. The Complainant was transported to Tomball Hospital. The male subject was taken into custody and charged with Aggravated Assault.
On April 11th at approximately 8:00 pm MCSO Deputy Crandell was dispatched the Rimwick Forest subdivision off of Hardin Store Road in reference to a Welfare Check. Deputy Crandell located a 21 year old male subject walking down the street who appeared to be intoxicated. While on scene, the Deputy was advised by Dispatch that a Criminal Mischief call was holding just down the street. The Deputy drove to a residence on Rimwick Forest and met with two Complainants who advised that while backing out of their driveway a male subject stood behind their vehicle. The suspect kicked the trunk of the vehicle, threw rocks at the window damaging it and ripped off a license plate. Both Complainants identified the subject the Deputy had in custody as the subject they had witnessed damaged their car. The subject was arrested for SJF Criminal Mischief and transported to the Montgomery County Jail.
District 5 – Lt. Don Lacy (Northwest County)
On 04/15/10 Deputy Garner responded to the 5800 block of Honea Egypt in regards to a Theft. The complainant reported that sometime over the past week someone entered onto his rural property and stole his (ATV). The ATV was valued at over $2600. The case is under investigation by members of the Montgomery County Auto Theft Task Force.
04/15/10 Deputy Dishman responded to W. Palm Blvd. in regards to an Assault. The female complainant reported that she and her adult male son had been involved in a verbal and physical altercation in which she had been assaulted. The complainant had no visible injuries and required no medical attention. The male subject was arrested for Assault (Family Violence), Class C Misdemeanor and placed into the Montgomery County Jail on an undetermined bond.
On 04/17/10 Deputy Favorat responded to the 16300 block of Rabon Chapel in regards to a Suspicious Person. Upon locating and speaking with the adult male individual who was sitting in a golf cart along the ditch, Deputy Favorat determined the male to be highly intoxicated. Upon checking further it was learned that the male had an outstanding local warrant. The male was arrested for Public Intoxication, Misdemeanor C and the outstanding warrant for Assault (Family Violence), Misdemeanor A. The subject was then placed into the Montgomery County Jail.
04/17/10 Deputy Rex conducted a Traffic Stop in the 18400 block of SH 105 W. Upon making contact with the male driver, Deputy Rex observed evidence indicating that the driver may be alcohol impaired. The driver was administered several field sobriety test and as a result was arrested for Driving While Intoxicated, Misdemeanor B and placed into the Montgomery County Jail on $600 bond.
On 04/17/10 Deputy Garner and Lowe responded to Sweet gum Street in regards to a Disturbance. Investigation revealed that a male subject on location visiting friends had become intoxicated and was now causing a disturbance. The subject was arrested for Public Intoxication, Misdemeanor C and placed into the Montgomery County Jail on an undetermined bond.
On 04/19/10 Deputy Jackson responded to the 7100 block of Old Hwy 105 W for the report of a Theft. The complainant reported that sometime overnight someone entered onto his business property and stole his flat bed trailer valued at over $1600. This case is under investigation by members of the Montgomery County Auto Theft Task Force.
District 6 – Lt. David Dottei (Woodlands)
The following Shoplifting arrest(s) were made at 1201 Lake Woodlands Drive:
4/9 – White Female 38 yrs old from Spring – The recovered merchandise (6 items) was valued at $348.78. The suspect was transported to the Montgomery County Jail without incident.
The following Shoplifting arrest(s) were made at 1100 Lake Woodlands Drive:
4/13 – Black Male 20 yrs old from Montgomery – The recovered merchandise (2 items) was valued at $159.98. The suspect was transported to the Montgomery County Jail without incident
The following Shoplifting arrest(s) were made at 3040 College Park Drive:
4/14 �� White Female 19 yrs old and White Female 23 yrs old, both from Conroe – The recovered merchandise (21 items) was valued at 162.00. Both suspects received Criminal Trespass Warnings for the location and were then transported to the Montgomery County Jail in Conroe.
The following Possession of Marijuana and Possession of Controlled Substance arrest(s) were made:
4/10 – Black Male 29 yrs old from Houston – was arrested after Dep. Flores conducted a traffic stop on Grogan’s Mill at Grogan’s Park. During the course of the investigation the suspect handed Dep. Flores a small package containing .01 oz. of Cocaine. He was later found to be in possession of .05 ounces of Marijuana. He was taken into custody charged with Possession of a Controlled Substance, Possession of Marijuana, Displaying a Fictitious Motor Vehicle Registration and an outstanding Warrant. He was then transported to the Montgomery County Jail in South County without incident.
4/11 – White Male 31 yrs old from The Woodlands – was arrested after Dep. Varnell conducted a traffic stop in the 9000 block of Kuykendahl. During the course of the traffic stop and subsequent investigation, the suspect was found to be in possession of .06 oz of Marijuana and 10 ½ green pills, identified as Hydrocodone. The suspect was charged with Possession of a Controlled Substance, Possession of Marijuana and transported to the Montgomery County Jail in South County without incident.
4/15 – White Male 21 yrs old and White Male 22 yrs old, both from Houston – were arrested for Burglary of Motor Vehicle. Officers were dispatched to a Burglary of Motor Vehicle call on Ripple Rush Ct. Cpl. Gonzales, while responding to the scene, noticed the suspect vehicle and initiated the traffic stop on Havenridge at Interfaith Way. During the course of the investigation the items missing from the vehicle on Ripple Rush were found. The suspects were taken into custody and transported to the Montgomery County Jail in South County.
W/M = White Male
B/M = Black Male
W/F = White Female
B/F = Black Female
H/M = Hispanic Male
H/F = Hispanic Female
M/A = Class A Misdemeanor – Punishable by a fine not to exceed $4,000 and/or a maximum of one year in jail.
M/B = Class B Misdemeanor – Punishable by a fine not to exceed $2,000 and/or a maximum of 180 days in jail.
M/C = Class C Misdemeanor – Punishable by a fine not to exceed $500.
SJF = State Jail Felony – Punishable by a fine not to exceed $10,000 and confinement in state jail for 180 days to 2 years.
F3 = 3rd Degree Felony – Punishable by a fine not to exceed $10,000 and confinement in state jail for 2 to 10 years.
F2 = 2nd Degree Felony – Punishable by a fine not to exceed $10,000 and confinement in state jail for 2 to 20 years.
F1 = 1st Degree Felony – Punishable by a fine not to exceed $10,000 and confinement in state jail for 5 to 99 years.
SFST = Standardized Field Sobriety Test
FSRA = Failure to Stop and Render Aid
A.T.T.F. = Auto Theft Task Force